
How Do Guinea Pigs Copulate

how do guinea pigs copulate

Facts About Your Guinea Pig

January 30th, 2012 by Kha13 Leave a reply »

Like people and most animals, Guinea Pigs take pleasure in a range of different, colored toys to have fun with. Toys will help avert the guinea's from boredom and encourage them to exercise. Some of the poor quality pet toys will come apart leaving dangerous small pieces inside the Guinea pig cages. So be certain to get good quality items.

A few have resulted in major injury with vet care required. It is always helpful to test and trial and give them diversity. Understand that the majority guinea's will take no notice of most pet toys, generally the simpler the better and don't over do it and place to many toys within the Guinea Pig Cage. Use your creativity, but consider safety first. Some guinea pigs like one sort of toy, the rest will pay no attention to the accessories. You can find that a number of pet guinea pigs will get bored or frustrated after a while. 

At all times make sure the border of the guinea cage so the guinea cage lots of room to run around and exercise. Cage accessories and toys and houses need to be set within the middle of the hutch with sufficient space to run around the accessories.

In case you are still uncertain about how much Guinea Pig toys to get, an additional Guinea as a play mate and companion can make your Guinea Pigs very happy and amused, for the reason that in the in their natural habitat Guinea Pigs are herding animals and live in groups of large numbers so another Pet guinea pig inside the same cage will do them good. It is possible to prevent any not planned Guinea babies be certain that they are both of exactly the same gender.

If Guinea Pigs aren't getting enough of this vitamin it would likely result in a number of different infections, along the lines of tooth decay and weak bones or and health problem known as 'Scurvy'.

One of the best types you can get are made from ceramic, the non-chippable type that are available from pet stores, it is best to never make use of glass dishes as they could chip or shatter easily and your Guinea may consume some of the glass and suffocate or cut itself.

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