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What is Hyperthyroidism - symptoms, causes and treatment
The thyroid gland is located in the neck and produces several hormones that control growth, digestion, and the use of nutrients. It is a part of the endocrine system.
Hyperthyroidism means over activity of the thyroid gland. This results in the too much secretion of thyroid hormone into the bloodstream. This in turn leads to over activity of the body`s metabolism.
What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?
The symptoms of hyperthyroidism may resemble other medical problems. The symptoms may vary from person to person. Some may experience all of them or only few of them.
The most common symptoms are:
- Goiter: it is an enlarged thyroid gland that may cause a bulge in the neck.
- Bulging eyes also known as exophthalmos. Eyes look as if they are protruding out.
- irritability
- nervousness
- increased sweating
- heat intolerance
- irregular menstrual periods
- muscle cramps
- fatigue
The other symptoms may include:
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- weakness
- thinning of the skin
- fine, brittle hair that breaks of very easily
- weak muscles, especially in the upper arms and thighs
- shaky hands
- fast heartbeat
- high blood pressure
- increased bowel movements
- weight loss
- difficulty in sleeping
- eyes become increasingly sensitive to light
- confusion
- absence of menstrual periods
- Thickened skin over the shin area in the legs
How is hyperthyroidism diagnosed?
A complete medical history and physical examination helps in arriving at the diagnosis.
Other diagnostic procedures are:
Blood tests: To measure the level of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream.
Thyroid scan – uses a radioactive substance to create an image of the thyroid gland and its functioning.
What is the treatment for hyperthyroidism?
The goal of treatment is to restore the thyroid gland to normal function. So that it starts producing normal levels of thyroid hormone again.
Treatment for hyperthyroidism varies from person to person. There are various treatments for different forms of hyperthyroidism.
Treatment may include:
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Antithyroid drugs are used these help in lowering the level of thyroid hormones in the blood.
Radioactive iodine is used in the form of a pill or liquid. This damages the thyroid gland cells so that production of thyroid hormones is slowed down.
Surgery is done to remove part of the thyroid gland. Usually the overactive nodule of thyroid gland is removed. It is done advanced cases of hyperthyroidism.
Beta blocking agents are used. These block the action of thyroid hormone on the body. These drugs do not change the levels of thyroid hormone in the blood, but make the patient feel better.
What are the different types of hyperthyroidism?
There are several different types of hyperthyroidism, like:
Graves` disease (diffuse toxic goiter)
Graves` disease is most often associated with hyperthyroidism. An antibody that stimulates the thyroid gland excessively causes graves' disease. This excess stimulation leads to excess production of thyroid hormone.
Graves` disease is categorized as an autoimmune disorder. A dysfunction of the body`s immune system.
The disease is most common in young to middle-aged women and tends to run in families.
Symptoms of Graves` disease are similar to hyperthyroidism, with the addition of three other symptoms. The three additional symptoms are:
Goiter: it is an enlarged thyroid gland that may cause a bulge in the neck.
Bulging eyes are known as exophthalmos. Eyes look as if they are protruding out the eye sockets.
Thickened skin over the shin area of the legs.
Toxic nodular goiter: Hyperthyroidism caused by toxic nodular goiter is a condition in which one or more nodules of the thyroid become overactive. The overactive nodules actually act as benign thyroid tumors.
Symptoms of toxic nodular goiter do not include bulging eyes or skin problems, as in Graves` disease. The cause of toxic nodular goiter is not known.
Thyroiditis: Thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland.
Thyroiditis causes temporary hyperthyroidism, usually followed with hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland).
There are three types of thyroiditis:
- Hashimoto`s thyroiditis
- subacute granulomatous thyroiditis
- silent lymphocytic thyroiditis
In addition, if a person takes too many thyroid hormone tablets, hyperthyroidism may occur.
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